Dhoop Sticks burning has always been a part of Hindu rituals, and it is regarde
as a symbol of worshiping your deity. Incense is burned to symbolize devotion to
God during Big Puja, Havana, or a regular puja. Incense sticks come in various
shapes and sizes, and they are used to perform pooja at home. The majority of
incenses are manufactured of herbs, which provide the natural perfume of the
herbs utilized. Incense sticks enliven the entire mood and keep the day fresh
with their freshness and therapeutic abilities.
Dhoop Sticks are a collection of materials with antibacterial characteristics that keep diseases at sanitizing your environment. It is enriched with boswellic acrid, which aid in and keeps your body fit and healthy. Antibacterial properties aid in the elimination of germs and the freshening of the environment.
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